Aerospace, Automotive, Energy, Industry 4.0, Oil and Gas

Cetim at NeMMo 2023: all about new materials for future Mobility


Join our conference on “Challenges on Materials for Hydrogen in Land Mobility” – May the 10th from 12.25 – Nantes (France)


Co-organized by SIA & SFIP, NeMMo is back in Nantes in 2023 for two days of congress and exhibition focused on New Materials for Mobility.
From materials to processes through engineering, NeMMo’s Congress addresses the whole scope of solutions dedicated to the positive impacts of materials (metals, polymers, minerals) for a sustainable, electrified, autonomous and connected mobility. This annual congress encourages exchange between mobility specialists and materials communities, including sustainability and circular economy topics, and showcases innovative products, applications and manufacturing achievements.

Cetim invited to lead a conference on Hydrogen

Our experts, Jérémy Viale and Clément Callens will be pleased to exchange with you on the “Challenges on Materials for Hydrogen in Land Mobility” during their conference to take place on May the 10th at 12.25.

The hydrogen industry has been growing rapidly since the beginning of the 2020s, with the aim of making a significant contribution to the decarbonization of the environment. In particular, mobility is a major element of this industrial transformation. The democratization of technologies inevitably requires the qualification of new materials. It is therefore necessary to validate the compatibility of materials (metallic and organic) with hydrogen, both in terms of their mechanical and sealing aspects.

During the conference, we’ll see that hydrogen industry can be divided into three macro stages: production, logistics and use. Our experts will present the major technological challenges identified at each of these stages :

  • The production of decarbonated hydrogen in industrial quantities
  • The storage of hydrogen due to the very low density of the gas
  • The conversion of hydrogen into energy with optimized yields
  • The Recycling process to reduce their environmental impact.

To learn more on our strategic program for Hydrogen, please watch our video, or contact us!