Training in composite materials


Extreme exploration and storage conditions + Regulation constraints + Innovation


Oil & Gas Training

Steven Dilosquer — Manager of the Subsea 7 structure department

We decided to train our engineers and technicians in composite materials. We called on Cetim as we were satisfied with its proactiveness during previous expert investigations and because we are working together on evaluating our innovation strategies.

Customer needs

The company is seeking to use new materials in order to reduce weight on board vessels, and consequently their size, as well as to provide more protection for the trawl pipelines.

Customer benefits

Having provided training to its engineers and technicians in composite materials, Subsea 7 is able to use this type of innovative solution for its offshore Oil and Gas equipment, which results in reduced production costs and an enhanced competitive advantage.

Cetim answer

  • presentation of composite materials and their strongest components
  • design approach for the composite structure
  • structural design dimensioning technique
  • various uses for composite materials, etc.

Delivered results

Customized intensive training based on 2 sessions for Subsea 7 people.