Characterisation of critical threaded connections


Manufacturing & operating costs reductions +  Resilience enhancement + 4.0


Factory of the future

Eric Chauvet — design engineer at CEA CESTA

For many years, we have drawn on the expertise of Cetim which has significant human and technical resources as well as broad experience in the area... Overtime Cetim has proven to be an essential partner through it control of phenomena and its level of expertise. Cetim's experts provide us with highly accurate analyses. They are responsive and are always willing to share both their certainties and their uncertainties.

Customer needs

Characterise high-reliability threaded and bolted joints in order to guarantee, in very severe aerospace environments, the strength and operational functions of nuclear warheads used for France’s nuclear deterrent.

Customer benefits

Take advantage of CETIM’s instrumented test equipment and its solid expertise in the behaviour of threaded and bolted connections (lifting of risks) which leverages on the cross-cutting nature of its feedback in a broad range of sectors such as aerospace, automotive, medical, mechanical construction, etc.

Assistance provided to the user for the CETIM-COBRA software.

Cetim answer

Performance of tests on appropriate instrumented benches of components representative of a large variety of threaded and bolted joints. Thorough analyses of the results with statistical processing, creation of a reliable database, supply of relevant technical assessments and summary of the observed phenomena.

Delivered results

Acquisition of accurate data from measurements relating to joints using the various types of screws and bolts (materials, coatings, length and diameters, etc.). This data that represents real conditions is used as input values for the sizing and digital simulation software tools.